Electrical Power Grid Failure: The Most Probably SHTF Scenario (The fact that success would throw the United States back into the 19th century is a very sobering thought.)

If you like watching the zombies on “The Walking Dead” or the survivalists on “Doomsday Preppers” you have probably engaged in some sort of discussion on what is the most likely “SHTF” (Sewage Hits The Fan) scenario to really happen in the near future.

Since you probably didn’t choose “zombie apocalypse” as very likely, it’s a good bet that you thought that a failure of the national power grid was high on the list.

The fact is that our aging electrical power grid infrastructure, combined with the vulnerability of its internet-dependent control centers, makes crippling our country by taking out our electricity a very attractive choice for terrorists.

It seems that every week we read about hackers trying to attack the command and control centers of the nation’s power grid from other countries.

The fact that success would throw the United States back into the 19th century is a very sobering thought. It would be far worse for us than it was for people in the 19th century, however, because at least they knew how to live without electricity. We don’t.

The interdependency of the power grid’s main components is what makes this situation so real and so dangerous. On August 14, 2003 about 55 million people in the Northeast were suddenly without power when a major blackout affected people throughout the Northeast United States and part of Canada.

The culprit was a computer issue, which underscores the fact that a problem “there” can affect people “here.” How possible would it be for terrorist hackers to get into the power grid’s command and control system?

Consider this. In 2010 a computer worm called “Stuxnet” started infecting computers all over the world, but the target was very specific. The purpose of this worm was to infect enough computers that when it eventually got onto the laptop of a scientist who worked in the country’s nuclear program it could eventually hitch a ride on a portable USB drive into the nuclear facility, where it would damage the uranium centrifuges. It was successful and created a lot of damage.

This shows us that hackers don’t even need to get into a power plant or even on the same continent in order to damage their target. If the goal of any terror group or country is the destruction of the United States, the difficulty of obtaining and detonating enough nuclear warheads to obliterate the country versus attacking the power grid makes the choice very clear.

The wise person preparing for the “worst case scenario” would be wise to think in terms of living without electricity.

I highly recommend this book: The Home Doctor – Practical Medicine for Every Household – is a 304 page doctor written and approved guide on how to manage most health situations when help is not on the way.

If you want to see what happens when things go south, all you have to do is look at Venezuela: no electricity, no running water, no law, no antibiotics, no painkillers, no anesthetics, no insulin or other important things.

But if you want to find out how you can still manage in a situation like this, you must also look to Venezuela and learn the ingenious ways they developed to cope.

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  1. Not 19th century, more hunter gatherer. 19th century had horses and saw mills and ice houses and people who could do things.


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